Looking for a symbol that resonates with you?

AKOKO NAN reminds us to nurture our children, but warns against excessive pampering.

FIHANKRA represents the importance of physical and psychological security and safety.

EBAN serves as a physical and symbolic boundary that protects the family's private sphere from the outside world.

HYE WON HYE exemplifies imperishability and endurance.

SESA WO SUBAN teaches us that personal transformation is a powerful tool for growth.

MMERE DANE reminds us of the impermanence of all things in life.

OKODEE MMOWERE teaches us that bravery and power lead to success.

WAWA ABA tells us to strive to be strong and resilient in the face of life's challenges.

KWATAKYE ATIKO tells us to face challenges head-on and never give up.

DWENNIMMEN teaches us that even strong individuals must balance strength with humility.

AKOMA NTOASO symbolizes understanding and agreement to build strong relationships.

OSRAM NE NSOROMMA denotes love, faithfulness, harmony.

ASASE YE DURU represents providence and the divinity of Mother Earth in sustaining life.

BESE SAKA represents affluence, power and abundance.

OWUO ATWEDEE serves as a reminder that life on this earth is temporary, and ito live a good life.

FAWOHODIE represents independence, freedom, emancipation.

FOFO reminds us that jealous behavior directs our precious attention towards trivial matters that hold little value.

AKOBEN reminds us to fight with courage and determination, even in the face of great adversity.

NSAA typifies authenticity, which is the key to achieving excellence.

ODO NNYEW FIE KWAN embodies the power of love and creating deep connections between people.

DUAFE promotes health, elegance, and grace.

MATE MASIE emphasizes the importance of active listening and retention.

AYA signifies that an individual has overcome significant challenges and persisted through hardship.

KETE PA embodies good marriage.

NKONSONKONSON symbolizes represents unity and bringing people together.

MPUANNUM represents a joyous, culturally significant hairstyle of the priestesses

SANKOFA reminds us of the wisdom in going back to reacquire knowledge from the past.